Thursday 7 June 2012

What wants to be written.

Before I actually opened this blog, I had so many 'wow' ideas about blogging- the kind of deep things I'd write, my perspective on social issues, stuff like that.

Then I opened the blog.

 It took me about an hour of cafe time to even figure out what I wanted to call the damn thing.

Its taken me almost that long to try and post my first post. Sad innit?

Anyway, while brainstorming about whether I wanted to talk about the Ghanaian hypocrisy or err....sorry, I forgot that other thing, I kind of stumbled unto something relatively deep.

and here it comes. I realised that being deep doesn't come by choice.
 yeeeaaahhhhhhhh....*feeling cool*

Ok well at least not for me. See, what I mean is this. I cant turn on my moments of intense thought. Like if maybe I'm in town, and a see a billboard. Immediately I'd have a lot of ideas about advertising, the power of advertising, the seeming lack of power of Ghanaian adverts- (hmmm...wait, now there's another idea for a blog post) Anyway.
So I'd think I could blog that. Or write about that. I might even get a few really catchy phrases and stuff, plan the whole article and stuff. Then I'd sit myself behind a p.c.

And blank. For real. I'd have nothing AT ALL to write. I may still remember all my catchy phrases and quotes. but for whatever reason, the idea would either lose all its glamour and sparkle- or I'd just blank out.
The same happens with my poetry. It amuses me when people say- write about this topic. or- wow, you could get a poem out of that, dont you think? Id be smiling like yeeeeaaaah I probably could and thinking- I wish I could.

I don't choose my poetry. I don't choose my topics. I dunno, I guess I write what wants to be written then. How many times have I not sat down with a pen and a notebook and said, I'm going to write about so and so today. How many papers have I  not ripped out on these occasions. (I'm not asking you though, that's rhetoric)

Errr...I just forgot where I was going with all this. Anyway, if some of you are expecting deep insight and thought provoking blogs here, please keep expecting. I'm sure one of these days I'll get a deep moment. Or not. Whichever. But I'll pretty much just write what wants to be written.

(This is a subliminal message to all those people who have asked me to write poems for them).

Oh yeah, I just remembered what I was going to write about earlier. It was about gay people and society. Ah well.

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